Ingredients for Sichuan Pickled Vegetables: Ginger 100g, Chili to taste, Sichuan peppercorns to taste, Sichuan numbing peppercorns to taste, Onion 300g, Salt half a bag, Cowpeas 500g, Baby bok choy 500g, Garlic one whole bulb, Beer 1000g.
Method for Sichuan Pickled Vegetables: Step 1: Dried red chili peppers to taste, one large garlic bulb, ginger 100g. Step 2: Onion 300g, cut into chunks. Step 3: Sichuan peppercorns and numbing peppercorns to taste. Step 4: Pour in 1000g of snowflake beer, then add all the ingredients mentioned above. Step 5: Pour in 1500g of cold boiled water, ensuring it is oil-free, and add half a bag of salt to dissolve it thoroughly. Step 6: Place the cleaned cowpeas and baby bok choy into the pickle water, ensuring they are fully submerged. Step 7: Wait for 2 to 3 days, and then you can enjoy the delicious pickled vegetables.