Ingredients and Making Method of Liangpi

Ingredients for Liangpi:
– 300g high-gluten flour
– Appropriate amount of water

Steps to make Liangpi:
1. Knead the flour with water into a smooth dough and let it rest for about 20 minutes.

2. Add a bowl of water and start washing the dough. Similar to washing clothes, the water will quickly turn milky white. Pour the washed batter into another large container and repeat the washing 6 – 7 times.

3. What remains after washing, which is very chewy, is the gluten. Set it aside.

4. Cover the washed batter with plastic wrap and let it stand for 6 – 8 hours to settle.

5. Steam the gluten in a pot for about 30 minutes.

6. For the settled batter, pour off the clear water on top and keep the milky batter. Stir it evenly. Put one spoonful of batter into a flat plate container. Steam it in a boiling water pot for 2 minutes until bubbles appear. Then cool it in cold water and peel it off. One piece of Liangpi is ready.

7. Before making each piece of Liangpi, brush a little oil on the bottom of the plate. Also, smear a little oil between each piece of Liangpi to prevent sticking.

8. Add seasonings according to your taste.

9. There is no sesame paste at home. Here are the pictures first.

Cooking tips for Liangpi:
Prepare two container plates and steam them alternately in the pot, which is a bit more convenient.

There are skills in making delicious dishes. Every dish of mine has a little trick. Everyone can directly view my recipes by searching “Guangdong Snacks”!

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