Ingredients for Guangdong Tofu Pudding: Soybeans 130g, Inner Fat 2g, Brown Sugar to taste, Water 1000ml.
Method: Step 1: Soak the soybeans overnight, then rinse them thoroughly. I use a soy milk machine to blend them, but I’ve heard that a food processor works just as well. Place the beans in the machine, add 1000ml of water, select the fruit and vegetable cold drink or juice setting, and blend, repeating this process 4-5 times.
Step 2: After blending the mixture, it is essential to strain the residue using a cloth. I’m not sure what this cloth is called, perhaps it’s known as tofu cloth? It’s the same material used to cover tofu when sold. I received it as a gift when I bought the inner fat. Remember, the material for soup bags is similar.
Step 3: After straining, you should press hard to extract the liquid. It’s a slow process, waiting for the liquid to come out.
Step 4: This step is crucial. Cook the mixture on a gas stove for ten minutes without leaving the stove unattended, or you might regret it. I turned away to help a child with a towel and returned to find the pot foaming over. Stir immediately once it starts boiling.
Step 5: Dissolve 2 grams of inner fat in a small amount of water, then pour it into a rice cooker. Pour the cooked soy milk into the rice cooker, stir, cover, and press the keep-warm button. Wait for 5 minutes, and it’s ready. Look, here is the finished product!
Step 6: Boil brown sugar with water to make a sugar syrup.
Step 7: Serve in a bowl, pour some sugar syrup over the tofu pudding, and enjoy. It’s sweet, smooth, and incredibly delicious. I’ve heard there are other ways to enjoy it, with many additional ingredients. Guangzhou’s tofu pudding is a dessert, a snack, and more! Cooking Tips: There are tricks to making delicious dishes. Each of my recipes has a little trick. You can search for ‘Guangdong Snacks’ to view my recipes directly!